This is powerful space where transformational quantum leaps are achievable. Let's get started!
What's included:
- Gateway Jumpstart: Access the Life Purpose Fulfilment Code White Paper and complete your Abundance goals with a fresh perspective. We'll use this in your first session.
- 5 weeks of alchemy, coaching and training to get you on an upward trajectory of success.
- Life Purpose Fulfilment Codes White Paper
- Alchemize Limiting Beliefs Guided Visualization
- Heart & Mind Awakening Guided Visualization
- Worksheets & Workbooks
- Manifesting Challenges
- 4 x 2-hour mentoring & alchemy sessions
- Access to call recordings in the member area. Listen to the replay for deeper rewiring
- Life-time access
This is the collaboration that subtly shifts the energetics of the metaphysical so that you can intentionally achieve your present-day prosperity goals.