One-on-one, 2-hour alchemical clearing session


High Vibe Activation


Aim for the stars and alchemize the patterns, programs, limiting beliefs and low vibe blocks that keep you stuck so you can transform your mind, raise your vibration and manifest what you want in life.  


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Stop Dreaming and Start Achieving

Imagine living a life where nothing holds you back. You’re not broken; you don’t need fixing. The traditional approach to energy healing might make you feel otherwise, but I see you as inherently whole. The key to unlocking your true potential lies in clearing away the energetic obstacles that stand between you and the life you desire.

In many areas of our lives, such as career, business, relationships, finances and health, we can often feel we are running out of time to live the life we want because we feel stuck in a repetitive life cycle. Nothing ever changes and there are no opportunities or possibilities around you that allow you to pivot in a new direction. No matter how hard you try, you just cannot break free and move forward to experience what your heart truly desires.

This stagnation is often a reflection of your internal landscape— your beliefs, patterns, programming and the energies you carry. These blocks and low-vibrational energies are the true barriers that keep you from experiencing the life you dream of.

In this alchemical clearing session, we go beyond traditional healing. We target the specific blocks that hold back the fulfilment of specific goals, transforming and clearing them to pave the way for your dreams to become reality. This isn’t just about removing obstacles; it’s about creating a clear path to the life you’ve always envisioned. Many of my clients describe this process as "manifestation healing" because once the blocks are lifted, they start to experience profound changes and their dreams begin to materialize.

You deserve to live a life where you wake up each day excited and in love with your life. Let’s transform your gunky energy into a stream of free-flow possibilities so you can bring your deepest desires into your everyday reality.

To land in a high-vibe state, we focus on what you desire, not problems

When your vibration is high, things show up for you with ease and a sense of serendipity. Your experiences and relationships are better and your manifestations arrive in the most unexpected ways that always seem to put a smile on your face.


What's involved:

  • Before your session I will tune into you remotely to identify and explore patterns, limiting beliefs, thoughts and emotional states of your consciousness that will be removed to support the outcomes you want to see.

  • On the day, we’ll discuss your personal circumstance, what you want to achieve, and I may challenge you to dream bigger than you are currently and aim higher. Even if it feels like a stretch. 


  • After your activation your energy field and consciousness will go through a process of repatterning to align you to a higher reality you want to experience in your life. This can take up to two weeks, which is common.

  • Once your activation is complete, you’ll start to notice your behaviour and reactions are different. The way people treat and respond to you also changes and it can be surreal to experience life in a completely different way to what you’re used to.

You’re about to discover how different life can be as your energy field starts to reflect back to you the higher reality you chose when you walked into your activation.

It's pure magic!

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What's Included:

âś” 2-hour remote alchemy session

✔ A copy of your activation uploaded to your member library. You’ll be able to download and listen to the replay and transform deeper parts of your consciousness as many times as you feel is right for you.

✔ Depending on your objective, you may receive manifesting techniques, a mental diet or mindfulness practices to propel you forward.

✔ After alchemy guidance guide so you can create new empowering beliefs that support your direction and allow your goals to manifest with ease.

✔ After alchemy self-care guide so that your recovery is quick and easy.

✔ A post activation follow-up via email 7 days after your session.

Booking Your Activation


 (Price in USD)


Raise Your Vibration in 3 Steps

  • Choose a date and time
  • Answer a few questions
  • Block out your calendar

Get ready to raise your vibration and have an extraordinary life!

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Your Transformation

What unfolds after your activation can feel surreal. Here's some of what you may experience:

  • Greater clarity and decisiveness. You instinctively know which choices are aligned to the outcomes you want to see.
  • Disruptive, intense and heavy thoughts and feelings are gone forever! (Long standing issues have vanished unexpectedly for many clients. This is known as a Spontaneous Healing - something you're capable of automatically)
  • Less stressed out and anxious about everything you need to get done in a day. 
  • Unbothered by people and situations that push your buttons so you can maintain higher states. (As though you have bullet-proofed yourself to bs!)
  • Unreactive to drama so you can focus on what matters to you most. (See ya!)
  • Barriers to abundance begin to break down so you can receive more of what makes you happy. (Yipee!)
  • Feeling calm in challenging situations so you can perceive solutions. (multiple possibilities are available when you need them)
  • Beginning each day happier, feeling excited about what the day will bring.
  • Move through each day with confidence and conviction. (goodbye apathy and procrastination!)

This is a transformational experience of alchemy that leverages your desire to step into the highest and happiest version of yourself who loves life.

I'm In!

Want breakthroughs like these?

Emily T, Melbourne Australia

"My last session was so powerful and invigorating! I was feeling a bit lethargic and nauseous for a while after the session and my third eye was feeling very heavy and achy too! 

But then this happened! It’s so weird... My fiancé does certain things that really bug me but today I didn’t react at all. It just didn’t bother me like it used to.

And when I was waiting to go into surgery, I noticed that I wasn’t anxious about it at all… before my anxiety would have been off the charts, but I found myself so calm... wondering what was going on and where my anxiety had gone. For someone who has suffered with severe anxiety and PTSD for over a decade, I’ve never experienced such a dramatic shift like this before. Can’t wait to see what other little changes take place, it’s so cool. What did you do Sharyn? haha“

Aruz A, Melbourne Australia 

“I am so blessed to have met Sharyn, phenomenal is an understatement! You will be blown away with her healing abilities, Sharyn never ceases to amaze me with her abilities and everything that she can see and feel, and how to really heal your energy and help guide you through the journey. Thank you for everything you do Sharyn and also for sharing your gift, you are amazing , kind, caring and incredibly unique. I would highly recommend everyone to try a healing session with Sharyn, you will feel amazing and want to go back for more! Thank you again Sharyn, I am glad to know you!

Kathy B, United Kingdom

“I had an incredible session with Sharyn. In the session she picked up on so many things that were true and so many exciting things for me that I've come away profoundly wowed! I was feeling uncertain about where I was headed and how to get there but now I feel so excited for myself and my future now! A total shift! Exciting outcomes are already on the way! Thank you for your time and skills.”

Elly G, Melbourne Australia 

“I had heard a lot about energy healing and was sceptical until I gave it a try. I am so glad I did. Sharyn was so welcoming and explained what she does and how it works thoroughly to me. During my consult, I was amazed at what she realised about me and that she was going to clear some of those issues. I was even more intrigued and couldn't wait to start. I have never experienced anything like this. The feeling that you feel while Sharyn is clearing is indescribable. I have never felt this relaxed and at ease. After my session, the feedback she gave me blew me away. Things Sharyn said were making sense and over the following weeks, I had noticed a lot of the issues I was experiencing, were not there anymore. Can't wait for the next session. Thank you Sharyn for opening my eyes to energy healing. Give it a go it's unbelievable.”


Sharyn Atkinson is an author, creator of the Map of Shadow® and Abundance Mastery System™, business & life coach, metaphysical transformation coach and master intuitive healer empowering people just like you to experience greater joy and fulfilment in their lives as they create their world, their way.

Sharyn leads by example. In 2020 she started a business and grew it to six figures, supported her husband to leap to seven figures in his business, and defied logic during panic buying in the most locked-down city in the world. She refused to accept that her life would be negatively disrupted, and followed her guidance and intuition to manifest extraordinary outcomes in her life. 

It's this level of tenacity, and connection to the higher realms, combined with her natural instinct to externalise her goals that make Sharyn a powerfully inspiring mentor ready to light the way for you to become the ultimate creator of your world, no matter what.

Sharyn lives in Melbourne Australia with her husband, whom she accidentally manifested while writing her second book. In addition to running her business, she enjoys growing veggies and cooking cuisine from different cultures around the world. Having visited many countries herself, Sharyn loves travelling and enjoys discovering the beauty and history that has shaped each nation and their way of life.

Finding joy in everything she does, Sharyn is curious by nature, solution-focused and actively explores principles of quantum science and metaphysics to innovate new ways people can make their lives simpler and happier without compromising their standards or values.


Got a question about the High Vibe Activation?

Call +61 431 922 331 or Email me at [email protected]