The 8-week group program that elevates entrepreneurs to stand out online at their highest level.


Quantum Visibility Accelerator


Unleash your presence online with uninhibited and authentic self-expression as you nurture business outcomes in harmony with the quantum field. 

Join the Accelerator here
The visibility glow-up to stand confidently in your spotlight

Step into your signature spotlight

If you’ve made it here, chances are you’re ready to grow, but maybe you need a tiny nudge in the right direction. You know that you need to share more of your unique flavour and perspective with your audience so that you can have the impact you really want to have in the world. You might even be aiming (quite rightly) for the title of thought leader…

And if that’s the case… Welcome!

You’re in exactly the right place.

So, let me ask you this: how’s hiding out working for you so far?

Are you going to truly make an impact if you’re going through the motions, playing it safe online and sharing other people’s ‘inspirational quotes’ instead of your own incredible insights?

Isn’t it time you carved out your own unique space?

Sure, there might be plenty of reasons to hold back. Putting yourself ‘out there' and getting raw and real can be scary (at first)… But none of those reasons outweigh the satisfaction of unapologetically expressing your methodology and perspective and leading your loyal followers by the example that you set.

Let alone the heart-warming feeling you get because your audience tells you that you are exactly who they have been waiting for.

Visionary, your transformation begins here!


Dream with me for moment…


Imagine a future where you wake up every morning to an inbox overflowing with inquiries from eager clients and industry leaders seeking your expertise.


Picture yourself confidently taking centre stage, captivating audiences with your live streams, and sharing your authentic thoughts and ideas without hesitation.


See yourself receiving feedback from your new clients about the vibe they got from your video, your social media post, website or email and how fortunate they are for having found you.


Imagine client acquisition was no big deal. That with every launch you exceeded your targets and when you look back over the year, you can see that your business has grown exponentially beyond what you thought was possible.


It’s a great dream isn’t it!

Around here we dream & we dream BIG!

But then we design what this dream is going to look like for you so that you can create it and alchemize a path to truly become it.

Join the Accelerator

When I made the decision to diversify my business and follow that fire burning within me to share what I know with the world, I knew that being more visible online was going to be something that I would have to do.   

The only problem...

I hated the idea of going ‘live’ on social media. I literally spent over an hour practicing and psyching myself up before my first live. I was terrified I would make a mistake, or someone would judge me and I would be inundated with trolls.

But only 3 people saw it!

Even though I was putting myself out there, I was able to hide online and go unnoticed. I noticed that some of my other content types were hiding too because I was sharing my heart-felt contribution to the body of work thought leaders before me had laid out and that made me nervous too. Who was I to step up to their level?

I spent months clearing limiting beliefs, thoughts, emotions and studying the Marilyn Monroe Effect and how we have a chameleon-like ability to switch our visibility on and off online.  I crafted a framework that not only allows you to increase your visibility but have the reach and impact in a heart-driven way that feels genuine and exciting for both you AND your potential clients.

If you have a less-than-ideal relationship with your online presence, I’d love to teach you my visibility framework for rocking your online spotlight as a purpose-driven leader inside the Quantum Visibility Accelerator.

I’m putting a stake in the ground for you to create more impact, income and DIFFERENCE in the world. It would be my honour to teach you how to switch on your visibility in a way that feels easy and in alignment with your values so you can have the reach and impact you envision in the world.

See you there!

Join the Accelerator
Envision, design and create the impact you desire & alchemize yourself to embody the elevated qualities of success that inspire the masses. 

The Marilyn Monroe Effect

“I’ll never forget the day Marilyn and I were walking around New York City, just having a stroll on a nice day. She loved New York because no one bothered her there like they did in Hollywood, she could put on her plain-Jane clothes and no one would notice her. She loved that. So, as we we’re walking down Broadway, she turns to me and says, ‘Do you want to see me become her?’ I didn’t know what she meant but I just said ‘Yes’ — and then I saw it. I don’t know how to explain what she did because it was so very subtle, but she turned something on within herself that was almost like magic. And suddenly cars were slowing, and people were turning their heads and stopping to stare. They were recognizing that this was Marilyn Monroe as if she pulled off a mask or something, even though a second ago nobody noticed her. I had never seen anything like it before.”

~ Amy Greene, wife of Marilyn’s personal photographer Milton Greene

An Innovative Visibility Approach  

Throughout this immersion you’ll progress through the visibility phases, so you feel confident being an authority in your field who isn’t afraid to be seen and heard in all ways you express your message.  

That’s the first element of visibility in this container. The second involves building your vibrational algorithm that interacts with the quantum field to either make you invisible or impactful, giving you the visibility tools you need to have absolute control over your reach, engagement and impact online.

You’ll gain clarity, harness your strengths and develop an unshakeable mindset, together with the know-how to remove any obstacle in your way. From practical step-by-step coaching and instructions to pioneering quantum techniques, you’ll receive the tools and support you need to navigate your presence in the digital world with ease.

Go beyond convention and delve into the extraordinary power of the quantum field where you’ll learn how to tap into this field of limitless possibilities to manifest outcomes beyond your wildest dreams. By enhancing the vibe and feeling of your business, you’ll effortlessly align with the clients who are a perfect match for your unique offerings.

The Quantum Visibility Accelerator is an eight-week group immersion where you envision, design and create an elevated persona that oozes magnetic confidence in the limelight as you master your field of quantum influence and amplify your visibility online.

When you emerge from the accelerator you’ll have:

  • A smile on your face as authentic self expression becomes your way of life. 
  • Conquered your fears and embraced uninhibited self-expression, allowing your true brilliance to shine through.
  • Cultivated an irresistible online presence, magnetically attracting your ideal clients and effortlessly expanding your reach.
  • Unattached confidence in yourself, your abilities and unique perspective.
  • The know-how to identify & remove limiting beliefs, thoughts, emotions, reactions & patters that block your progress. 
  • Unleashed your power and influence within the quantum field to manifest remarkable outcomes and align with the perfect fit clients and new opportunities.
  • Developed an unshakable mindset, equipped with the tools to overcome challenges, seize opportunities and propel your business forward.
  • The strategic ability to create beliefs that support your vision and bank balance. 


Unshakable conviction and authentic self-expression is available to everyone. This is the immersion to draw out your inner mastermind who unapologetically shares what you stand for. You'll influence your visibility and impact in harmony with the quantum field, and have these tools to use for the rest of your life.


When you control your energy and your connection to the quantum field, you become limitless. This is the collaboration where you master weaving the energetics of the metaphysical so you can intentionally affect the physical.
Join the Quantum Visibility Accelerator here

Inside the Quantum Visibility Accelerator

You were born to live your passion. You’re already equipped to take bold control of the elements that impact your visibility and nurturethe outcomes you want to have in your business and your finances. You just need to be shown how.

The topics we'll cover each week inside the accelerator are:

Unearth the Ultimate You

You’ll complete the Entrepreneurial Assessment for success and uncover the ultimate YOU to bring more of your unique talents, abilities and authentic voice into your business.

Create the Ultimate You

Unreservedly create the future you who stands in their power as an impactful thought leader, contributing and serving in your unique persona.

Future You Repatterning

I’m sharing my secrets so you can lift limitations holding back your personal and business growth. You'll learn to clear limiting beliefs, patterns, reactions and emotions and replace them with empowering beliefs that you hard-wire in.


Activate your Master Client Avatar

Reverse engineer and refine your audience so you are specific about the clients you are magnetising to you. You’ll start manifesting these dream-fit clients to show up in your business and together we’ll remove obstacles and glitches you encounter along the way.

Embodying Impactful Leadership

Discover your energy body and how to use it to amplify your influence and impact on your interactions on- and off-line. You’ll also learn how to work with the meridians in your body to create a feeling of safety in your body and maintain clarity.

Business Cleansing

Discover how to work with your logo and learn my business cleansing techniques to clear your brand and online presence of misaligned outcomes and replace this energy with your future success, bringing it into the present moment.
(Great if you’ve changed niches or diversified) 

Light Encoded Communication

Learn how to encode your copy, posts, videos, website, emails with the calls to action you want your audience to take, how you want them to feel about you and your brand in harmony with the quantum field.

Integration & Graduation Week

This week you'll integrate your learning and celebrate your graduation! You'll experience a manifestation alchemy session so you can experience powerful outcomes in your business now and well into your future. 

You’ll receive weekly training and alchemy sessions to help you get clear and embody your authentic voice, how you want to be perceived in the spotlight and what the scale of that looks like for you.

You’ll learn the most effective methods to remove limiting beliefs, heavy thoughts and emotions outside of your alchemy sessions so that you are equipped to obliterate every obstacle that pops up for you as you ‘go live’ every day inside the private Facebook group.

To facilitate your breakthroughs in this immersion you’ll also receive:

  • Personal Entrepreneurial Assessment for success using the ancient Taoist methodology of the five elements so you can utilise your full potential in your business.
  • A copy of the 'Life Purpose Fulfilment Codes' eBook with detailed core limiting beliefs outlined in the Map of Shadow® that block you from achieving the success  you desire and deserve based on your dominant, secondary and tertiary elements.
  • Access to the Private Facebook Group to build your visibility confidence and practice the quantum visibility skills you learn.
  • 8 x Training Sessions that will draw out your highest level of self expression with metaphysical and manifesting techniques to take you from invisible to impactful.
  • 8 x Alchemy Sessions to clear most common visibility blocks in addition to any live barriers to success that surface in the group.
  • You'll build a quantum tool box of 5 different clearing methods to remove obstacles from your conscious, subconscious and field of energetic influence.
  • Master the Law of Assumption in collaboration with your accountability bestie to leap-frog into the person and business you want to have. 
  • Guided visualisation to clear limiting beliefs and support your learning as you become masterful at clearing obstacles in your path.
  • A guided mediation to amplify your confidence as a bold visionary who can and does achieve anything.
  • Integration week where you’ll go it alone and have the opportunity to refine and master your practice before you graduate.
  • Access to all training and materials in your member library for life-long access.

As you make your way through the program you’ll also hear from a three-time Emmy Award Winning Producer, a Public Relations & Personal Brand Guru, an impactful Copywriter with Launch Strategy Specialisation for entrepreneurs and a Neuro-Visibility Strategist about the importance of authenticity and how you can leverage this further to propel your presence and business forward.

Your Investment


Pay in Full

          (Price in Australian Dollars)                           


Payment Plan: $639 per month over two months

(Price in Australian Dollars)

When you join the Quantum Visibility Accelerator you'll be asked to create an account. Inside your Member Library is where you'll find the program details.  

You'll gain immediate access to the 'Life Purpose Fulfilment Codes' eBook and Entrepreneurial Assessment so you can make a start. All the other content inside the accelerator will be unlocked each week as you progress.

The group accelerator begins on 3 July, 2023

Join the first visibility intake for $888.88 when you pay in full (that's $222.12 off the regular price when you use CODE: QVA3JULY20V2)  

Seats are limited.

Join the Quantum Visibility Accelerator here

Meet your international panel of guest experts for the July 2023 intake:

Rita Barry-Corke ~ Strategic Media and Empowerment Coach

Three-time Emmy Award-Winning producer Rita Barry-Corke has had an exciting career in communications, media relations, broadcast production. In addition, she continues to teach communications, media and public relations as an adjunct professor.

Following a career on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC as a congressional press secretary and constituent service director, Rita first moved from government service into media production where she produced news programming for CNN and MSNBC. Later, she served as Executive Producer of Legal News Programming at Court TV, and Special Projects Producer for Oprah Winfrey and Rosie O’Donnell. Previously, as Editorial Producer for ABC’s Good Morning America, she led news coverage and produced live broadcasts around the world for the top-rated morning news program.

Currently, as a certified Strategic Media and Empowerment Coach she works with motivated entrepreneurs, businesses, non-profits, and individuals to unlock their influencer potential, and become captivating storytellers on camera. Leveraging her extensive editorial and media training experience she helps clients attract media attention with powerful pitches and high-impact interviewing skills transforming them into sought-after experts realizing their full profit-making potential.

In her spare time, Rita enjoys reading, learning, mahjong and sailing with her husband, Mark Corke, an accomplished sailor, boat builder, marine journalist & accredited SAMS Marine Surveyor. Together, they have cruised the eastern coast of the United States and sailed to incredible destinations such as Gibraltar, the Mediterranean Sea, Antigua, and the British Virgin Islands.

Jessica Fabrizi ~ JFab Personal PR

Jessica Fabrizi, founder of JFab Personal PR, is a Personal PR Strategist who helps personal brands growth-hack their visibility and credibility, so that they skyrocket their income and impact.

Thanks to her fifteen years of experience as a PR executive for world-renowned brands such as Fiat, Peugeot and Singapore Airlines, she knows how to make any story newsworthy.

Jessica’s signature method for visibility and credibility is an eclectic mix of personal branding, thought leadership, media relations and super connecting. After laying solid foundations for positioning, branding and messaging, her clients achieve omnipresence by establishing themselves in the three dimensions of visibility – owned channels, third-party channels and relationships.

Jessica’s ultimate genius is creating stories that leverage all three dimensions of visibility at the same time. This is how she and her clients achieve explosive growth. Jessica’s clients include multiple TEDx speakers, book authors, regular TV guests and contributing writers to prestigious publications.

When not running the Personal PR Mastermind and working with private clients, Jessica can be found sharing her magic in the Personal PR Facebook group or interviewing thought leaders on the Personal PR Show. She also often appears on podcasts as a guest, at summits as a speaker and on panels as a moderator. Jessica is also a columnist for the luxury networking magazine Golf Pleasure Taste.

Lizzie Macaulay ~ Write It!

Lizzie is the owner of Write It! A copywriting service that helps entrepreneurs and business owners find and use their big voice to build a dedicated following.

As a launch copy specialist, she supports business owners to create compelling, character-filled copy that sets their products, services and businesses up for success!

She loves to collaborate with her clients on bold, brave pieces that inspire trust in a brand and build a genuine rapport with their audience. She writes from her heart, and loves seeing the amazing work that comes out when working with a client who is on the same wavelength.

Martina Pichler ~ Neuro-Visibility Strategist 

Martina is the creator of the Neuro-Visibility Method. With her help, women in their thirties and forties lead a purpose-driven life with serenity by regulating their nervous systems to increase and hold their visibility. This way, they achieve outstanding results, income, and impact in a time-collapsed fashion.

Martina is also the co-founder of the Embodied Visibility Challenge, where she teaches dozens of clients how to widen the bandwidth of their nervous system for exposure to diverse audiences. She learned this in her trauma-informed coaching certification and 12+ years of corporate experience, where she heads the department at a US biotech company.

Martina's signature approach is all about inner work and responsibility that reflect powerfully on the outside. Her clients build magnetic lives and embodied brands that attract aligned clients by stabilizing their nervous systems and regulating their emotions.

You'll hear from the expert panel throughout the eight-week immersion so you can confidently plan your next visibility move in alignment with your goals and take your business to new highs right alongside your transformation.


Kimberly B. Texas, USA

“Sharyn is the real deal. I knew I had to start sharing stories in video content to make a connection with my audience and grow my business. BUT I had a lot of resistance to actually do it… I felt too vulnerable. Not anymore…”

Emily T. Melbourne, Australia

"It’s so weird... My fiancé does certain things that really bug me but today I didn’t react at all. It just didn’t bother me like it use to. And when I was waiting to go into surgery, I noticed that I wasn’t anxious about it at all… before my anxiety would have been off the charts, but I found myself so calm wondering what was going on. I’ve never experienced such a dramatic shift. I can’t wait to see what other little changes take place, this is so cool. I'm amazed. Thank you so much.“

I created this program to be a two-stream transformation process. While you’re acquiring new knowledge and skills to use for life, you will identify any doubts and hesitations you face as you begin sharing your authentic message so they can be cleared during your alchemy sessions in concert with the most common visibility blocks entrepreneurs face (such as the past-life persecution blocks).

When you commit to doing this work, not only will you unlock greater influence and visibility in your life, but you’ll experience the natural side effect of an elevated emotional state and feel happier than ever before.

Are you ready to embrace the quantum aspects of who you are and work with the energy field around you to affect physicality?


Sharyn Atkinson is a visionary and the only international transformation coach who combines metaphysical techniques with business strategy for entrepreneurs so they can hit their next-level income goals and feel confident manifesting financial freedom.

After working as a business banker for more than a decade and witnessing business owners struggle with cash flow in challenging economic climates, such as the global financial crisis, Sharyn knows things don’t have to be that way.

Combining energy work with her deliberate creation practice of two decades into the Abundance Mastery System™, Sharyn empowers her clients to work with the quantum field to get tangible and profitable outcomes quickly, regardless of what is going on in the world.

Sharyn has been described as ‘the real deal’ and a ‘truly gifted alchemical weaver of energy who takes chaos and turns into something beautiful’. Her clients feel ‘new sense of self-empowerment’ and are amazed by how ‘super easy’ change and achieving their revenue goals can really be.

Sharyn is committed to getting business owners the support they need to live life on their terms in a soul-satisfying business that they create, their way.

As a naturally curious and solution-focused individual, Sharyn actively explores principles of quantum science and metaphysics to innovate new ways entrepreneurs can simplify their lives and enhance their happiness without compromising their standards or values. Her passion for guiding others towards their goals and finding joy in everything she does make Sharyn a highly respected thought leader in the business coaching and quantum community.

Are you ready?

If you're ready to elevate your presence online with a magnetic glow-up, create your signature spotlight sizzle and shift from invisible to impactful, I’m committed to empowering you to elevate to your highest potential every step of the way.

Investment $1,111 (AUD)

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