The ultimate otherworldly training to empower you to become the dominant creative force in your life and command-ifest your reality, no matter what.   


Join the Monthly Livestream Here

Metaphysical Edge™ Livestream is the only monthly group training program that guides you to lean into the mystical to accelerate your ability to deliberately create and achieve your goals, find deeper meaning in your life and achieve uncompromised success. 

(without sacrificing your standards or values)

This is perfect for you if you’re:

  • Tired of not being able to manifest consistent results in your life.
  • Annoyed because you’ve tried every manifestation technique out there and you still feel like you’re living life on repeat.
  • Frustrated that manifesting the ‘big stuff’ never seems to pan out no matter what you do.
  • Fed up with waiting for universe to line everything up for you and you want to take back your power to be the only creative force in your life.
  • Stuck in a cycle of healing energy blocks and not seeing change reflected back to you in your external reality.
  • An Empath or Highly Sensitive Person seeking smarter strategies that allow you to transform your gifts from a curse into your greatest superpower to manifestation an extraordinary life.
  • A Conscious Creator desiring to level-up your manifestation practice so that your vision-board dreams become your everyday life.
  • A Curious Cat keen to unravel the mysteries of our world, make sense of your natural gifts and abilities and learn how to use them to manifest your world, your way.


If any or all of these are you, you’re in exactly the right place!


Scroll down and discover how Metaphysical Edge is going to support you to build a toolbox of otherworldly techniques so you can command-ifest your reality, no matter what.

What Everybody Ought to Know About the Metaphysical         

For years, maybe even decades, I wondered if my knack for serendipitous moments and what felt like uncanny luck in my career were signs of a sixth sense or just happy accidents. Turns out, most of us sense there's a sprinkle of magic in our lives, yet we shrug it off too quickly.

So, I’m going to let you in on a secret, one that might just redefine your approach to manifestation and life: The real key to feeling genuinely fulfilled and lucky isn't in what we're always told to focus on. Miss this, and you might end up running in circles, working harder than necessary, and always waiting for divine timing that leaves your dreams beyond your grasp.

See, while many believe in grinding away and sticking to the 'proven' path to manifestation and the law of attraction, they're skipping a vital step that actually comes first.

You’re inherently wired to interact with the quantum field around you, already equipped with the higher senses you need to create the business, career and life you want, on your terms. But right now, you’re playing on a limited field because nobody's shown you how to tap into these abilities or even what they are. So, the way you navigate success and achieve your goals barely scratches the surface of what you’re truly capable of.

Understanding your natural abilities is key. Without this knowledge, life will always whisper 'There’s more,' urging you from within to recognize your boundless potential.  This inner voice isn’t make-believe —it's your innate power calling you towards a life of cruisy success, immense joy and abundance in all areas of your life… You just have to learn to trust it. 

Sign Up Now!

You are one shift away from unmasking your magic as the operant creator of your life.

The little-known fact that changes everything

Your presence is far more energetic than physical. According to scientific research, as you read this, you are perceiving less than 1% of your surroundings through the spectrum of light visible to your eyes. That means an astonishing 99% of what surrounds you remains unseen and untouched, waiting to be discovered. (Source: NASA Hubblesite

Despite this profound knowledge, MOST of us continue to chase our goals anchored only in the physical realm, completely overlooking the vast expanse of energy that surrounds us. This isn't just a missed opportunity; it's like walking through a goldmine with your eyes closed.

The quantum field around you is brimming with potential, ready to be harnessed. It's your most powerful, yet most overlooked ally in achieving unparalleled success and fulfilment.

It's time to delve into this untapped resource and unlock the secrets it holds so that you can reach your full potential and redefine what achieving success looks like for you. You just need to take the first step.

I'm in Sharyn! Wow!

There’s one thing I know for certain: Feeling like life's at a solid 7 out of 10 doesn’t cut it in the long run

To aim for what makes you burst with joy from the inside out, walk around as if you were sunshine itself, and achieve uncompromised success that feels easy and streamlined, you have to know what your otherworldly gifts are so that you can interpret the information in the quantum field to be guided towards fulfilment.

But there’s a problem:

  • You don't trust yourself and you missing the opportunities around you to progress and achieve your goals! You’ve had moments in the past where in hindsight, you should have trusted your instincts, but you don’t know how to do it intentionally with accuracy.
  • You get overwhelmed and confused by spiritual jargon and resist exploring this aspect of life, even though you sense there is so much more available to you.
  • You spend a lot of time chasing solutions and techniques to have the business, career, and lifestyle you want, and feel frustrated with the slow progress you're making towards your goals and unsure of how to access the guidance you need to speed up results.
  • You doubt you have what it takes to really manifest what you want in life because of your past and what you have endured and overcome to make it this far. Redefining your concept of self to get there feels impossible, so you stop yourself from playing all out before you even start.
  • Or maybe you're a little like I was... Aware that you were manifesting experiences in your life even before you knew those happy accidents had a name. You use this ability all the time, but you’re undercover as a corporate professional, keeping your metaphysical side under wraps. You prefer to play it safe with convention, yet you love to bewilder and wow your colleagues, friends, and family with your apparent 'lucky syndrome.' You can manifest anything—until something happens that you know you did not consciously create. It feels like the wheels fall off your Midas touch, and the manifestation game starts to feel like a con. You’re at a crossroads, unsure of what to do to turn things around. Then an inner force pipes up, refusing to settle for less than you desire, propelling you to get creative, lean into the metaphysical, and command-ifest your reality! 

Say goodbye to making choices that keep you stuck in unfulfillment.

A life that feels like you're stuck on a hamster wheel, going through the motions, leaves you feeling uninspired and bored. Instead of endlessly searching for the next 'thing' to add a little razzamatazz to your life, imagine knowing exactly how to manifest life on your terms with the quantum master map tucked in your back pocket, where you experience deep levels of satisfaction in all areas of your life, just as you intended.


Ready to take the leap?

Sign me up!

How the Metaphysical Gives You an Edge:

Inside Metaphysical Edge, every month is a step towards that life you sense is possible – one filled with joy, ease, and true fulfilment. This is your unconventional space to converge the resonance of your heart with the deeper truth of your soul to materialise your deepest dreams into your reality, in the most authentic way possible.

Unlock Your Life's Direction & Achieve Your Goals with Ease: Find clarity on where you're headed and see your dreams unfold smoothly, bypassing the usual roadblocks with strategies that don’t work for you.

Trust Your Gut to Make Winning Decisions: Develop an unbeatable intuition that guides you to make choices that always seem to turn out right, both in your career and personal life.

Feel Empowered to Shape Your World: Gain the confidence to take control, making decisions that lead to a life where you're in charge and loving every moment.

Experience Joy and Success on Your Terms: Discover the happiness that comes from succeeding in a way that feels authentic to you, without the stress or struggle.

Transform and Grow Beyond Limits: See yourself evolve and grow in ways you've only imagined, achieving more with each step you take.

Break Free from Stagnation & Move Forward with Confidence: Leave behind the feeling of being stuck, and stride confidently towards your goals, enjoying progress that feels natural and invigorating.

See Immediate and Visible Results: Watch as your efforts quickly translate into real, noticeable successes that inspire and motivate you to reach even higher.


Sharyn Atkinson

If you're ready to uncover your magic and turn it into your advantage in both personal and professional worlds, Metaphysical Edge is your next step to redefine success on your terms.

I'm in Sharyn!


Metaphysical Edge with Sharyn Atkinson

Dive into this LIVE monthly container, where you're not just another face in the crowd. Together you’ll be guided to unlock the vast potential that lies within you through a combination of workshops, training, healing sessions and activations.

We’ll hone your intuitive and metaphysical skills so you can craft a unique toolkit that empowers you to create your world, your way — where soul-level happiness and success without compromise aren't dreams, but your way of life.

Are you ready to claim it?

Sign Up Here

Step inside Metaphysical Edge

Here's how your journey to unlock and amplify your hidden potential unfolds with me each month:

Two Soul-Stirring Monthly Sessions: Engage in two powerful calls that promise to awaken your deepest capabilities and elevate you to become the secret sauce you’ve been longing for.

Workshop Mastery

Your first 'Edge' session each month is a dynamic workshop or training designed to arm you with advanced metaphysical tools and techniques. Discover how to harness and trust your extraordinary abilities, applying them so that you gain a distinct advantage in your business, career and life as you realise your dreams.

Healing & Activation

The second 'Edge' session each month alternates between profound energy healing—to dismantle barriers such as limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and karmic imprints—and activation sessions that enhance your psychic abilities, intuition, and connection to universal wisdom. A blended path that leads to clearer guidance and amplified success.

Each month you’ll layer on new awareness and weave clarity, passion, and joy into your life


Develop and Trust Your Intuition: Learn to navigate life with unwavering trust in your inner guidance.

Clear Path to Success: Remove obstacles and energy blocks that have been holding you back.

Harness Universal Wisdom: Open yourself to the wisdom that surrounds us, using it to guide your decisions.

Recognize Signs and Synchronicities: Notice and interpret the way the universe communicates with you, so you never miss key indicators that you’re on the right path to success before it manifests into your life.

Empower Your Vision: Strengthen your ability to manifest the life you've always envisioned, one where your goals aren't just dreams but realities.

Live Authentically: Align your daily life with your soul’s purpose, achieving success that feels as good as it looks.


There’s no one as unique as you are, so let’s throw away the rule book and get you set up to master the magic of YOU.

Here’s a sneak peek into each month

March: Intuitive Intelligence (Access the Replay with Master Mentorship)

April: Living Your Life Purpose (Access the Replay with Master Mentorship)

May: Manifestation Magic (Access the Replay with Master Mentorship)

June: Foundational Alchemy (Access the Replay with Master Mentorship)

July: Mentored by Spirit Guides to Manifest

Edge Session One

The Ultimate Spirit Guide Experience: Learn how to safely connect with your spirit guides to be mentored and rewired by them to help you manifest your desires into physicality.

Inside this transformative training you will:

  • Achieve Enhanced Clarity and Focus: Receive clear, guided steps from your spirit guides to effectively manifest your desires, turning your dreams into reality with precision and confidence.
  • Establish a Powerful Foundation: Discover how to connect with your senior guide and the essential questions to ask, elevating your manifestation skills and significantly enhancing your life’s potential.
  • Build a Collaborative Partnership: Foster a deep, consistent relationship with the same guide, enabling you to access their wisdom and support anytime, anywhere, ensuring you have guidance at your fingertips whenever you need it.
Thursday 11 July 2024 7pm AEST/ 2am PDT/ 10am London/ 11am CEST

Edge Session Two

Spirit Guide Collaboration Workshop: Team up with your spirit guide to  rewire your consciousness and strengthen your connection with them. so you can be guided by them throughout the day - even at the gym or while you're cooking dinner.

In this event you will partner with the guide you met in session one to:

  • Flex Your Freewill: Master the art of instructing your guide to rewire your consciousness, aligning you harmoniously with your desires and effortlessly manifesting your dreams.
  • Experience Integrated Consciousness Shifts: Embark on a journey of profound, sustained transformations in your mindset and consciousness, perfectly attuned to your goals and aspirations.
  • Manifest with Unshakable Confidence: Cultivate a deep trust in your abilities and the unwavering support of your spirit guides, making the manifestation process smoother, more joyful, and extraordinarily effective.
Thursday 25 July 2024 12pm AEST/ 3am London/ 4am CEST/ Wednesday 24 July 7pm PDT
Join Metaphysical Edge Livestream here

August: Telepathy & Channelling Higher Consciousness

Edge 1

Channelling and Telepathy Workshop: Learn how to connect with high vibrational beings of light and channel information to get answers for your life.

Thursday 15 August 2024 12pm AEST/ 3am London/ 4am CEST/ Wednesday 14 August 7pm PDT

Edge 2

Dial the Divine Alchemy Session: Strengthen your connection with higher consciousness so you can reach the divine with ease and accuracy – like having the higher realms on speed-dial.

Thursday 29 August 2024 7pm AEST/ 2am PDT/ 10am London/ 11am CEST

September: Quantum Field Exploration

Edge 1

Quantum Field Field-Trip: Learn how to access the gateway to the quantum field as you set off on a field trip to explore the energy of everything. (We can’t literally view everything in 90mins, but you’ll learn the steps that allow you to.)

Thursday 12 Sept 2024 7pm AEST/ 2am PDT/ London 10am/ CEST 11am

Edge 2

Reset Your Reputation Facilitated Healing: Remove past experiences, the opinions of others, your secrets and negative self-perceptions so that you are unencumbered by your past and can reach for the stars in your future.

Thursday 26 Sept 2024 12pm AEST/ 3am London/ 4am CEST/ Wednesday 25 Sept 7pm PDT

October: Chakra Talk

Edge 1

Discover the Every Day Practicalities of Your Chakra System: How you can use your chakras to establish a deeper connection with others and set healthy boundaries.

Thursday 10 Oct 2024 1pm AEDT/ 3am London/ 4am CEST/ Wednesday 9 Oct 7pm PDT 

Edge 2

13 Chakra System Activation and Harmonisation: Awaken and balance the higher chakras so you can perceive greater insight about the people, circumstances and places around you to make informed decisions.

Thursday 24 Oct 24 7pm AEDT/ 9am London/ CEST 10am/ 1am PDT

November: Universal Language

Edge 1

Achieve Success with Universal Language Mastermind: The step-by-step training that enables you to read the signposts to success using signs and synchronicities of the universe.

Thursday 14 Nov 24 7pm AEDT/ midnight PST/ 8am London/ 9am CET

Edge 2

Noticing Your Guidance Clearing Event: Energetic rewiring to help you hear your guidance and notice universal language so you can navigate the gap to externalising your manifestations.

Thursday 28 Nov 2024 1pm AEDT/ 2am London/ 3am CET/ Wednesday 27 Nov 6pm PST 

December: Uncompromised Success 2025 Bootcamp 

Get a jumpstart the year ahead and set the stage to bring your vision-board dreams into your everyday life.

Day One: Envisioning Your Most Profitable Timeline with Aligned Vision Mapping

Day Two: Clear Obstacles on Your Path to Achieving Your Goals with Alchemical Energy Healing

Day Three: Leverage the Power of Success with the Group to manifest Success in 2025 with Manifestation Magic.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday 9 December 2024 to Thursday 11 December 2024! Times to be confirmed.
Please note the training content may vary slightly depending on Sharyn's guidance and needs of the group however the monthly themes will remain the same.

Your Investment

We start 14 March 2024!


Guest Mentorship


(What goes on here? Join as guest for 30 days access, make yourself comfortable and take a look around.)
Join Now

Insight Mentorship

$37 per month

(Gain your edge in a flexible, month-to-month manner. Cancel anytime)


Join Now

Master Mentorship


(Unmask a suite of metaphysical abilities for the year. Includes recordings of all previous sessions and future sessions)
Join Now

Want more? I’ve got some amazing bonuses for you right here:

  1. Private FB group to network and build relationships with like-minded goal-oriented people as you integrate the metaphysical into your daily life and share your success stories.
  2. Access to exclusive discounts throughout the year
  3. Watch Video Replays and Download MP3 Copies of All Monthly Sessions

When You Sign Up for Master Mentorship, You Get All of the Above Bonuses Plus:

  1. Lifelong Access to the livestream vault – access and download recordings of each 2024 session inside your member library for deeper learning and healing any time you need it. (Priceless!)
  2. Free ticket to the Uncompromised Success 2025 Bootcamp VIP Experience. This is your secret sauce to starting the new year on an upward trajectory of success and as a VIP you’ll also access Hot seat coaching, Advanced Techniques and a Bespoke Group Healing  (Valued at over $1111)
  3. Your opportunity to appear as a guest on the ‘Unmasking the Magic’ podcast and share your unique magic and how it helped you achieve success in your business, career and life. Your realisations could be exactly what someone needs to hear to believe in their potential and elevate to their next level. (Amazing!)

I’m Going All Out to Make Sure You Have What You Need to Uncover Your Metaphysical Edge

Inside Metaphysical Edge, I’m not teaching you a bunch of theories and concepts. It’s a hands-on container of exploration, coaching, healing and awakening to get you tangible, joy-filled outcomes in your life.

The Unmasking the Magic podcast will be your source of information, realisation and seeing first-hand how others, just like you, have leaned into their magic to achieve extraordinary results in their lives doing what they love.

The month before the theme listed in your Metaphysical Edge itinerary is unpacked inside the Unmasking the Magic podcast so you always know where to look for deeper insight. 

For example, we’ll start developing Psychic abilities inside Metaphysical Edge in March and if you want more information on this topic you can head to the February podcasts recordings to access this training.

What Happens When You tap into the metaphysical?

Imagine for a moment... waking up every day knowing exactly how to weave success into your life. Picture feeling deeply fulfilled in your work, crystal clear on where you're headed, and confident in your unique abilities to get there. What if the path to your dreams could unfold before you effortlessly, free from the usual roadblocks and frustrations that used to slow you down?

Think about it – becoming so in tune with your unique magic that you become the key, unlocking a life you once only dared to wish for. That ‘no one truly has it all’ belief is a sentiment of your past and you create your happiness rather than compromise it.

Suppose you're ready to toss out the nagging sense that you're meant for more, tired of seeing your potential go unrealised and ready to harness your innate power, metaphysical wisdom, and practical strategies to carve out an edge in your business, career, and life... well... In that case, it's no coincidence you're here.

This is your sign, your nudge to step into a world where you're the architect of your destiny. The Metaphysical Edge Livestream is your gateway to uncover the secrets of the quantum field and turn it into your edge in both personal and professional worlds to redefine success on your terms.

Join Now!

Frequent Awesome Questions:

What is the Metaphysical Edge Livestream?

Metaphysical Edge Livestream is a monthly mentorship program that guides you to unlock your otherworldly gifts that reveal your innate edge in life! You were born with a suite of natural abilities to help you integrate and navigate the energetic world around you to exceed your goals, make life easier, deeply rewarding and create a life on your terms - without sacrificing your standards or values.

Most of us didn't get that memo, that's why I created a space where you can explore your limitless potential and create a life you love. 

Is there more information on what’s covered each month?

Absolutely! Each month the following page is updated with everything you can expect to happen in edge sessions one and two:

The monthly themes listed here are a general guide and the specifics of each month are updated monthly depending on the needs of the group and the guidance I receive.

Can I attend one monthly session?

Yes! There are three different levels of mentorship you can choose from.

Guest Mentorship ($55 once-off payment)  is a 30-day guest pass that allows you to join in the monthly edge sessions as my guest with full membership access.

Insight Mentorship ($37 per month) is designed for those who want to join each month but want the flexibility of a monthly payment option.

Master Mentorship ($222 once-off payment) for those who want to explore and learn metaphysical concepts to get an edge in life. If unearthing the power to relentlessly create your world, your way sounds like you, this is your best option.

What if I cannot attend live? Will I get a copy of the recordings?

If you can't attend live, I've got you! You'll have access to watch the replay, download the audio and keep it forever together with any other resources relevant for the month (varies and may not be applicable in some months).

What happens if I buy the Master Mentorship halfway through the year?

You’ll access the full metaphysical vault of all edge sessions that have already occurred throughout the year and can attend live future sessions. When the 2024 sessions wrap up for the year, you will retain exclusive access to these in your member library.

Why aren’t all edge sessions on the same day and time each month?

I live in Melbourne, Australia and it can be challenging to accommodate different time zones all over the world. Edge 1 & 2 sessions rotate each month so that everyone has the opportunity to attend live training and clearing sessions each month.

I’m only just finding out about you, can I join for the month and then decide to join for the year?

Sure can! I’ve already set things up so that you receive a special offer when you decide to continue every month. This will be emailed to you when your 30-day Guest Mentorship expires.

Where do I go if I have more questions?

Contact me via email: [email protected], phone +61 431 922 331 during business hours (Melbourne Time) and I’d be happy to answer any questions you have so you can decide if Metaphysical Edge is a great fit for you.

Meet Your Host Sharyn Atkinson

Sharyn Atkinson is an author, creator of the Map of Shadow® and Abundance Mastery System™, business & life coach, metaphysical transformation coach and master intuitive alchemist empowering people just like you to experience greater joy and fulfilment in their lives as they create their world, their way.

Sharyn leads by example. In 2020 she started a business and grew it to six figures, supported her husband to leap to seven figures in his business, and defied logic during panic buying in the most locked-down city in the world. She refused to accept that her life would be negatively disrupted, and followed her guidance and intuition to manifest extraordinary outcomes in her life. 

It's this level of tenacity, and connection to the higher realms, combined with her natural instinct to externalise her goals that make Sharyn a powerfully inspiring mentor ready to light the way for you to become the ultimate creator of your world, no matter what.

Sharyn lives in Melbourne Australia with her husband, whom she accidentally manifested while writing her second book. In addition to running her business, she enjoys growing veggies and cooking cuisine from different cultures around the world. Having visited many countries herself, Sharyn loves travelling and enjoys discovering the beauty and history that has shaped each nation and their way of life.

Finding joy in everything she does, Sharyn is curious by nature, solution-focused and actively explores principles of quantum science and metaphysics to innovate new ways people can make their lives simpler and happier without compromising their standards or values.

Ready to Dive In?


A wildly empowering experience is waiting to unfold for you... and it's a surreal, soul-satisfying and expansive journey every step of the way. Are you going to be part of it?


I'm Ready!

Got Questions?

Call me: +61 431 922 331

Email me: hello @ sharynatkinson . com (without the spaces)

Ciao for now xx