This Month Inside Metaphysical Edge™ Livestream


Meet and partner with a senior spirit guide who specialises in reality creation. Be mentored by them to stay in the flow of creation, bring your desires to fruition and live your best life.

Sign Up To This Month's Metaphysical Edge Livestream Sessions Here

Elevate Your Manifestation Capability 

When it comes to manifestation, it doesn’t matter what you refer to it as—whether it’s the law of attraction, law of assumption, law of vibration, deliberate creation, conscious creation, or something else, we’re all talking about the same thing: the happy coincidences and experiences you bring into existence.

But what do you do when you feel stuck and find yourself in a situation where what you desire simply will not externalise into your reality?


Do you over-analyse the process you followed to manifest and pick holes in your ability? Search for new techniques or theories to get you over the line? Attribute delays to divine timing and stay faithful to your manifestation while secretly suspecting that this is not working?

It can be frustrating when your method works, but not uniformly across all areas of your life. Many of us feel this way and lose confidence in our ability to manifest when we try to master the mammoth concept of reality creation without guidance and support. This is where connecting with your senior spirit guides can be a game changer.

When you decide to partner with them, manifestation becomes a collaborative, supported, and inspired process. Your spirit guides mentor you, rewiring your consciousness to align with your deepest desires. They provide the tailored insight, encouragement, and clarity you need to take confident next steps towards achieving your dreams within the manifestation framework you are familiar with.

All you have to do is reach for the support that is available, access universal wisdom and start creating your world, your way.

Carpe Deum 

Jump into Metaphysical Edge Livestream this month and start a relationship with your guide. Be mentored by an expert in reality creation, get consistent results manifesting to create your world your way! 

Here's what you can expect over two powerful sessions in July 2024

Edge Session 1: The Ultimate Spirit Guide Experience

Learn how to safely connect with your spirit guides to be mentored and rewired by them to help you manifest your desires into physicality.

Inside this transformative training you will:

  • Achieve Enhanced Clarity and Focus: Receive clear, guided steps from your spirit guides to effectively manifest your desires, turning your dreams into reality with precision and confidence.
  • Establish a Powerful Foundation: Discover how to connect with your senior guide and the essential questions to ask, elevating your manifestation skills and significantly enhancing your life’s potential.
  • Build a Collaborative Partnership: Foster a deep, consistent relationship with the same guide, enabling you to access their wisdom and support anytime, anywhere, ensuring you have guidance at your fingertips whenever you need it.


Mark Your Calendar and Join Me for this LIVE 90-minute Training: 

Thursday 11 July 2024 7pm AEST/ 2am PDT/ 10am London/ 11am CEST


Edge Session 2: Spirit Guide Collaboration Workshop

Team up with your spirit guide to  rewire your consciousness and strengthen your connection with them. so you can be guided by them throughout the day - even at the gym or while you're cooking dinner.

In this event you will partner with the guide you met in session one to:

  • Flex Your Freewill: Master the art of instructing your guide to rewire your consciousness, aligning you harmoniously with your desires and effortlessly manifesting your dreams.
  • Experience Integrated Consciousness Shifts: Embark on a journey of profound, sustained transformations in your mindset and consciousness, perfectly attuned to your goals and aspirations.
  • Manifest with Unshakable Confidence: Cultivate a deep trust in your abilities and the unwavering support of your spirit guides, making the manifestation process smoother, more joyful, and extraordinarily effective.


Mark Your Calendar and Join Me for this LIVE 90-minute Training:

Thursday 25 July 2024 12pm AEST/ 3am London/ 4am CEST/ Wednesday 24 July 7pm PDT

Ready to learn how to reach for senior support with universal knowledge and start creating your world, your way?


Sign up for the July Manifest with Your Spirit Guides Sessions and unlock your infinite potential.

Sign up for the Manifest with Your Spirit Guides Sessions here ($55)

My mission is to empower and equip you with the tools you need to master living a life you envision, design, and create, and to alchemize a path to achieving it.

Meet The Mentors You'll Connect With

Interestingly, these guides don’t call manifestation, ‘manifestation’. They know we call it that but bringing desires into reality from their perspective is a process of harmonious refraction. And they are the master manifestation technicians to reach for.

Collectively this level of support available to us are known as Master Harmonious Refraction Guides. Which sounds really complex but put simply they help to harmonise your energetic field with your desires, enabling your dreams to manifest clearly and effectively in the physical world.

Refraction, the bending of light as it passes through a medium to create visual effects, is the key concept they utilise to explain our reality. Just as rainbows form through refraction, the light waves of your energy field pass through the filter of your worldview to externalize your experiences. When your reality doesn’t match your desires, you can lean on your guides to rewire your consciousness, bringing your worldview into harmony with what you truly want. When that happens, your desires cannot be denied, just like rainbows.

Beyond this incredible ability, they can translate the technical terms, complex concepts such as quantum physics, light waves and electromagnetics into something meaningful to you, tailored to your perception and beliefs about manifestation regardless of the framework you chose to use. What you call manifestation is inconsequential; you are in a constant state of refracting light to externalise your physical world and this process cannot be switched off.

If you start to experience manifestation stagnation and find yourself stuck you can reach for a mentor to help you. You are meant to live an extraordinary life, just they way you imagine it to be - maybe even as beautiful as a rainbow.

(Written with the help of my manifestation guide. He thought you’d find the part about rainbows useful.)

That's what's happening this month, but did you know...


Each month inside the Metaphysical Edge™ Livestream you’ll layer on new awareness and weave clarity, passion, and joy into your life

 ✓ Develop and Trust Your Intuition: Learn to navigate life with unwavering trust in your inner guidance.

 ✓ Clear Path to Success: Remove obstacles and energy blocks that have been holding you back.

 ✓ Harness Universal Wisdom: Open yourself to the wisdom that surrounds us, using it to guide your decisions.

 ✓ Recognize Signs and Synchronicities: Notice and interpret the way the universe communicates with you, so you never miss key indicators that you’re on the right path to success before it manifests into your life.

 ✓ Empower Your Vision: Strengthen your ability to manifest the life you've always envisioned, one where your goals aren't just dreams but realities.

 ✓ Live Authentically: Align your daily life with your soul’s purpose, achieving success that feels as good as it looks.

There’s no one as unique as you are, so let’s throw away the rule book and get you set up to master the magic of YOU.

Want results like these?

Kathryn J, Canada

I am open to receiving all of it!!! I started today feeling lack and some overwhelm - wow things have shifted I am receiving from everywhere. Your healing is powerful and it’s clear you are highly skilled. Thank you so much!

Belinda C, UK

I am so grateful to you Sharyn! I don’t have the words to say how much your Life Purpose session meant to me. A light bulb went off like a fire of clarity! I have wondered for years whether I was on the right track or if I was cut out to fulfil these dreams I have... I am! I just needed help putting the pieces together. I feel empowered and it is sooo good! Thank you so much.


Tracy RWR, USA

After taking your masterclass, I was feeling the up-level immediately. I started applying the tools I learnt straight away and I booked another client the very next day. So powerful!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Metaphysical Edge Livestream?

Metaphysical Edge Livestream is a monthly mentorship program that guides you to unlock your otherworldly gifts that reveal your edge to exceed your goals, find deeper meaning in your work and achieve uncompromised success. (without sacrificing your standards or values)

Can I attend one monthly session?

Yes! There are three different levels of mentorship you can choose from.

  • Guest Mentorship ($55 once-off payment)  is a 30-day guest pass that allows you to join in the monthly edge sessions as my guest with full membership access.
  • Insight Mentorship ($37 per month) is designed for those who want to join each month but want the flexibility of a monthly payment option.
  • Master Mentorship ($222 once-off payment) is for those who know they have tinkered with metaphysical concepts before, and are committed to finding deeper fulfilment in their lives and crafting a unique toolkit that empowers them to create their world, their way.

What if I cannot attend live? Will I get a copy of the recordings?

If you can't attend live, I've got you! You'll have access to watch the replay, download the audio and keep it forever together with any other resources relevant for the month (varies and may not be applicable in some months).

What happens if I buy the Master Mentorship halfway through the year?

You’ll access the full metaphysical vault of all edge sessions that have already occurred throughout the year and can attend live future sessions. When the 2024 sessions wrap up for the year, you will have exclusive access to these in your member library.

Why aren’t all edge sessions on the same day and time each month?

I live in Melbourne, Australia and it can be challenging to accommodate different time zones all over the world. Edge 1 & 2 sessions rotate each month so that everyone has the opportunity to attend live training and clearing sessions each month.

I’m only just finding out about you, can I join for the month and then decide to join for the year later?

Sure can! I’ve already set things up so that you receive a special offer when you decide to continue for the year. This will be emailed to you when your 30-day Guest Mentorship expires.

Where can I find information about what topics you’re covering each month inside the Metaphysical Edge Livestream?

You can visit the main Metaphysical Edge Livestream page: for more information.

Where do I go if I have more questions?

Contact me via email: [email protected], phone +61 431 922 331 Monday to Friday during business hours (Melbourne Time) and I’d be happy to answer any questions you have so you can decide if Metaphysical Edge is a great fit for you.

Ready to find your Metaphysical Edge? 

You are one natural ability away from finding your edge in your business, career and life.