Metaphysical Blog

Sharyn Atkinson



3 Manifestation Mindset Shifts to Make Now to Achieve Your Goals Faster consciousness energy blocks limiting beliefs manifesting mindset May 23, 2024

Some people think manifesting, deliberate creation, law of attraction is total bs.. and I understand why. There is a lot of distorted information about what you have to do to manifest that is not correct. 

There are 3 main misconceptions about manifesting that I’m going to address so...

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The Ticket to Manifest Life on Your Terms: Shift to a Growth Mindset consciousness limiting beliefs manifesting mindset Apr 17, 2024

Some people can perceive opportunities easily, find workarounds, and back themselves to accomplish anything even when faced with insurmountable obstacles. They have a lateral, growth mindset that allows them to solve problems and achieve success by taking a creative approach that isn't always...

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Rewire Business Owner Specific Money Blocks (Revpreneur Blocks) energy blocks limiting beliefs mindset money Apr 20, 2023

There’s a common misconception about money blocks and that is, once you clear them, you will start to receive more money. Removing limiting beliefs about money is important but that’s only part of the challenge for business owners.

Ideally it would great to obliterate limiting beliefs...

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How to Use Afformations to Generate Money in Business mindset money strategy Mar 10, 2023

Most people are familiar with affirmations; a statement we use to train the subconscious into establish new beliefs. This takes repetition and time to do successfully. Until you reach that stage, as Dr. Joseph Murphy explains, using affirmations can often make a situation much worse before it...

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